Wednesday, May 22, 2019



Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr once said :
The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same. 

I like my blog, I actually catch myself reading it whenever I'm bored.
It's a simple blog, where opinions are expressed and counter opinions are awaited longingly.

But it is not a perfect blog, by no means.

If I suddenly found myself with a lot of extra free time on my hands I would definitely make some changes.

I'd start with the design and overall look of the blog.
For starters. I miss flowers and stars.
I envision a flowery background image to some posts and a star-filled one for others.
I just have to figure out how to make that happen.

If I were to redesign the blog I'd let myself be guided by Disney.
The Disney logo has changed so often over the years.

Surprisingly, few people actually notice the change as it is done gradually and subtly.
But more importantly some essence of the very first logo is incorporated in every version.
Therefore this invaluable brand doesn't lose any  recognisability despite the changes applied.
So if I were to change anything on  my blog, I would choose the Disney way.
Keep the essence and core values intact.

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