Wednesday, May 22, 2019


I Don't like to write about....

Writing online, even a very public blog post, is like baring one's soul.
Let me explain.
Even content that isn't personal per se, for .e.g. a post about Coca Cola’s latest new product. (A Coca Cola energy drink? Come on! What is the regular version then? A remedy against insomnia? )

But even something that trivial, relays something about who you are, as a person and as a blogger.
A simple and  insignificant phrase about Coca Cola  will reveal something about your personality.
Astute readers reading between the lines, will catch your tone and perhaps find in there a certain disdain for Coca Cola.
Perhaps you have given away that , even though you are hopelessly addicted to that soft drink, you hate the corporation.
An astute reader will reflect on the feeling injected in your writing that Cola Cola is an evil and greedy multinational corporation.
That is in fact not true, but how to defend yourself? You wrote it, didn’t you?

Even writing some basic biographical information on Ronald Reagan will lead to people assuming you are a republican.
That may or may not be true, but now it is assumed.

So really writing anything on a blogpost is like uncovering your soul, even if you didn't know it.

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