Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Purpose of (the) Blogs

I think blogs, much like it’s older cousin the pen, can be very powerful.

I myself have been reading blogs on various topics and themes for many years now.

I think that in today's world, many established blogs inspire and inform on equal footing with traditional media outlets.

Once upon a time it was the televised newscasts whose words where final on everything going on in the world.

There was no backtalk, no arguments to whatever it was they asserted.

The blogging community has given a voice, a strong one, to the many who may disagree or recognize untruths.

To some of us who are sceptical at best and cynical at worst regarding the veracity of the content of a typical 7 o'clock newscast, blogging is a haven.

It goes without saying, that one has to be discerning in choosing the blogs one subscribes to.

But when bloggers have proven themselves trustworthy, I see no reason to take their assertations with any les earnestness than that of any other media outlet.

Michel Sardou, a French singer with remarkable longevity, in his signature title "Le Figurant," (The extra) teaches us that an extra is no less important and in a sense as important as the principal actor , depending on the scene.
So perhaps Blogs are "the extras" of the information networks.
No less important indeed.

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